Monday, 29 September 2014

Characters facing choices in movies

What impassions me the most in some metaphysical movies is that some of their characters are sooner or later confronted with a choice which has important consequences! Such scenes, combined with good staging, can give me goosebumps! In many cases, those choices call into question the character himself or making him stronger. I will give you some examples of such scenes I really liked!

If you have ever seen The Matrix (1999) you will probably remember the scene where Neo (Keanu Reeves), living in a crafted world, has to choose if he wants to discover the real world. Here is the scene:


I love this scene. I find that it's a very good idea to show Neo's reflection in Morpheus' glasses. What is amazing is that Neo's character is reduced to the choice between two pills. It is also a noteworthy scene because it is the moment when everything changes for him!

The second example I wanted to share with you is a scene from Braveheart (1995). I may be partial because it's a movie that I carry in my heart since my childhood... This movie stages William Wallace (Mel Gibson) who fights against England for Scotlands freedom in the XIIIth century. Warning: the following part may spoil the movie. At the end, Wallace will be tortured in front of the crowd. He has only to utter the word "mercy" to put an end to his pain and be executed. But watch what happens instead (you can stop the video at 3:35)!

This is one of the best ending scenes I've ever watched, it is just amazing! Wallace has chosen to be loyal to his motherland till the end. His character has been immortalized by this scene and he has got a strong personality. The scene gives me so much emotion, pride and sadness at once! Moreover, the music in this scene is really awesome.

The last movie I have to talk about is Mr Nobody (2009). It is a movie that discovered recently and that impressed me! It is the story of a little boy who stands at the station with his divorced parents. His mother is catching a train to leave for good and the boy is facing a choice: on one hand, he can stay here with his father, and on the other hand he can catch the train with his mother. The whole movie shows the different existences he could have had according to that choice. It is on one of the last scenes that we can clearly see that his whole life is reduced to the choice of that innocent little boy. It is a good illustration of the butterfly effect. The overlapped structure of the movie impassions me very much, and Jared Leto as Mr Nobody acts very well. The only thing I regret is that I didn't like a part of the movie, when the main character is still a teenager, and I don't like typical american teenager movies! I can't watch them!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Gandhi!

    I really enjoyed reading your post, since you have chosen interesting movies extracts to illustrate what you say.
    In my opinion, the matrix scene is really amazing.The pills reflected in Morpheus' glasses with Neo in the background are illustrating the dilema he is facing, and showing that the two possibilities will lead him to totally different ways.
    The scene from Braveheart is powerful too. We feel prod and sadness just thanks to the music and the filming, expecially on Wallaces' eyes.
    I never heard before about Mr Nobody, but the trailer shows the two possibilities the young boy is facing. We can feel a strong emotional aspect in this movie.
    I didn't find something negative, you gave your feelings and a great analysis of each scene, that was fine!

