Tuesday, 25 November 2014

After the one who died the most, let's move to the one who killed the most

Today I'll talk about a funny subject. After the guy who died the most, I logically have to talk about the guy who killed the most characters in cinema. I think you got a chance to find who it is. So, common and make a list of all the muscular, strong-armed and testosterone-fuelled actors you know and try to find who I want to talk about. No, I'm not talking about Silvester Stallone or Steven Seagal. The one who I'm talking about is Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Schwarzenneger's story is fascinating, it's close to the American dream. Arnold was born in 1947 in a small European village called Thal, Austria. He emigrated pennilessly to the United States at the age of 21. That's when all started for him: he got some prestigious bodybuilding titles, some roles in action movies, married to J.F. Kennedy's niece and finally became governor of California. He's actually known in cinema for playing in Terminator (1984), Predator (1987) and Total Recall (1990).


Anyway, let's talk about serious stuff. At January 2. 2014, Schwarzy's - that's his surname, slightly unpronounceable for English speaking people - killcount reached 509 (source: http://kotaku.com). That means the characters he played has killed at least 509 other characters in movies. I said "at least" because according to the article, Arnold Schwarzenegger played aside in B-movies which have not been taken into account. He's followed by Chow Yun-Fat with 295 kills and Sylvester Stallone with 267 kills. However, if you don't trust me, here's the video to make yourself sure that it's the truth:

Personally, Schwarzy makes me laugh. Even if I'm not a big fan of action movies, I sometimes enjoy watching some movies in which he plays, but it's above all to hear his ridiculous punchlines and his Austrian accent!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Xavier!
    I definitely love your blog! You always find funny topics, but they are instructive and captivating at the same time.
    This one doesn’t escape to the rule. I learned a few details about Schwarzenegger’s life, like the fact he was married to J.F. Kennedy’s niece.
    The video is nice too. Even if I didn’t watch the whole video (I have to admit it, sorry …) I think I got the point about it: Many kills are like his punch lines: hilarious! Some kills are more ridiculous than the death of Sean Bean I mentioned last week. Quite unbelievable!
